life is a challenge within itself, its up to us to overcome the obstacles of emotions,weight,professions,adulthood,and etc..when we achieve we not only better ourself but our spirits so over come your obstacles and live for a better you; perfect imperfections are what we are and NO ONE WILL OR CAN EVER CHANGE THAT:)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Last cdcc check-in week 14
So this week has gone by quickly, for 2 days I thought it was Tuesday, lol I am honestly sad to write this last check-in. I have Learned so much about everyone and felt as if we were side by side conversing daily, not in different states/countries. I have not been able to workout this week because my son is sick again and I had to prep for my surgery on both of my wrists. I did not get a chance to weigh myself so ill just say i am the same, 161.4.I can not believe I used to be 180 when I started this challenge,i did noth think I could lose weight without physically being around ppl but the myth has passed. Weay not have physically seen each other but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually we had each other's back and pushed each other forward no matter what.I have drank 8-10 glasses of water and found a new love in herbal teas; So no more caffeine for me. My calorie intake was good all week until last night when hubby took us out for "a last night of wrist pain" dinner. I did go over my 1300 calories by 250, which I can say really is not as bad as I thought. I know when I get to a scale I am not going to like what I see, I am still going to stay optimistic.I can not upload a picture of me as of right nowbecause my computer has a Trojan virus; I am using my phone to update right now, sorry that I can not fufill the very last request of the cdcc requirement:(, i still plan on losing these last subborn 30 pounds and still posting pictures when i can for all the ladies following my blog;But on the other hand,I really enjoyed everyone's outlook and input when it came to the challenge. I wish everyone the best in their weight loss endeavors. You will achieve and look amazing;even after all we go through we are all still perfect imperfections!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS LADIES!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
mid week check in
so this week is kind of sad for me, i know this is the last week of the challenge and i must say i enjoyed losing weight with everyone,i may not have wrote my blogs in as much detail as everyone and as much as i could because i love to write; i was recently diagnosed with triangular fibrocartiledge complex and carpal tunnel in both of my wrist so it has been really hard to write/type,plus i am still getting adjusted to writing blogs.After this week is over i hope to keep in touch with everyone and maybe join another weight loss group. i am so close to my goal that i can taste it. i am really dedicated to do this even if i don't have support of a group like I'm in now; believe me when i say you gals are amazing. it is going to be hard for me to nominate just one person when everyone has been there and has had amazing stories to tell.I hope everyone has a great holiday,no matter which one you celebrate.:)
Monday, December 12, 2011
In denial but optimistic:)
i am not trying to think about how i wont be able to update and link up Christmas it has become part of my weight loss regime. i plan on continuing to update my weight loss even after the challenge is over so please feel free to keep in touch everyone.. but on a sidenote,thanks for allowing me to join Mir and Angela. i don't think i would have taken my weight loss so serious if i did not have the support of everyone in this group. i think i would have given up about 3 weeks in. I have never blogged before until i joined this group;now i can not stop. if i do not blog at least once a week i fee like my week is not complete. everyone around my is starting to notice that i have and i am taking my weight loss serious. i am starting to do more cardio workouts so when spring time comes around i will be able to jog with the kids with no asthma related problems( i hope). I am still unsure of how to browse through the website and see different blogs and challenges so i think that is something i will start doing this week, time permitted that is.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Week 13 of cdcc
This week has been amazing, I now weigh 161.4 so I'm 2 pounds down from last week. I have been drinking 8 glasses of water a day and walking for 3 hours a day. Yes that's right.. Not 30 minutes but 3 hours. I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans that I haven't been able to wear in 5 years and they fit, if I could have do a summersault, I would have, lol. My calories have not exceed 1300 calories, so even after exercise I would still have 150-200 calories doctor told me yesterday that I'm starting to look happier with myself and my response to her was I AM AND IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER! i hope everyonehas had a great week, one more left!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
tunnel vision
With me knowing the fact i am so close to being 160 my mind has been set into tunnel vision. i am working out more then before, walking,jogging,and dancing and lately i have been on a soup kick; all kinds,(crab,broccoli and cheese, lentil, chicken..those are just some of the soups i have been eating for lunch), my breakfast consists of a different bagel w/o creme cheese.(multi grain, blueberry,cinnamon raisin, plain) and my snacks are apples and oranges. my husband said to me the other day" i love your determination, when you put your mind to something you always excel".. that made me feel so good and it felt like a big kick in the right direction. I know i can achieve my goal and i will everyone that saw me try on my Christmas dress said i look great but i know i can look better,lol 37 pounds doesn't sound like a lot but i held a 40lb weight the other day and i couldn't believe that's what i am carrying on my body. I have to thank this challenge for giving me the mindset to lose weight because i never had the confidence to do it other wise.SO THANKS CDCC AND EVERYONE IN IT!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Week 12 of cdcc
So this week has been "fun".. We had my uncle in law's funeral. My son was almost rushed back to the hospital for his asthma and I fell down a flight of stairs while jogging( my kids had a small toy on the steps). So with that being I now weigh 163.4 :) so i am down a pound since last week... I have been eating smaller meals and drinking more water. I still have not went over 1300 calories and drank 7 glasses of water each day. I walk for 40-65 minutes a day and I tried on my Christmas dress, it's starting to fit better.. The picture is at the top so u can see:) I hope I can lose 3 more pounds before the challenge is over; I know I can!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
continuing weight loss
so i am really optimistic that is can reach 160 before the challenge is over..i cannot believe that it will be over before we know it, i feel like i have really got to know everyone closely..i hope we all can keep in touch even after the challenge. i am looking to still lose weight by my birthday in June i would like to be around 130-135. that would even be fine and since i still have a lot of weight to lose. I am grateful that i met so many females with the same mindset that i have when it comes to weight loss; To read everyone story and be apart of someone else's success is a fantastic feeling to me;but i was wondering if there are any challenges i can join after this one is over for the summer season please let me know..
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Week 11 of cdcc
I came, I saw, and I conquered thanksgiving! I am happy to say I now weigh 164.4 and even though I have not been drinking water like I should I have had plenty of fluids and fruits.I did consume 5-6 glasses of water each day. I have not exceeded the 1300 calorie goal an I have been working out for a Least 45 minutes to a hour each day instead of 30 minutes. My food content of thanksgiving included food with fibers,grains,vegetables, and fruits( If I'm not mistaking grains and fiber are the same,lol) I tried to stay away from fatty foods like ham, and I can see it worked. My goal for next Week is to be 163. I hope I can, no wait.. I know I can!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
anger relief in exercise
with all the sad things that have been happening lately i finally got time to myself and exercise, i rode the bike for almost a hour last night just thinking of my life and how i can better things. i know i cant change a lot but i will try my best to not overdue on the exercise. i am so close to 160 i can taste it, i am determined to be 165 by the end of this week. i will ride the bike every night and i informed my family that i will not be eating like normal, my mom was excited and said "if your really serious about this weight loss idea, show me what your doing and the whole family can support/ join you".. hearing those words made my year so now i don't have to worry about being judged by what i eat, i can be the new me and chow down healthy style!..ha ha.. i need a little laugh to take my mind off the stress.i am not really a big turkey eater anyway but i love sweet potatoes and apple pie..i get hungry just reading the true test is Thursday i will try to pass with at least a 85% i am not going to claim i will be perfect because i know i wont but i will do the best i can not to overkill on the food.good luck to all and weigh in will be excellent:)
Monday, November 21, 2011
week 10 of cdcc
this week has been extremely hard, my uncle-in-law passed this morning right after my kids saw him for the first time; my daughter kissed him on the forehead and said "it's OK uncle Issac you can go home now, i love you", my son gave him a hug and 5 minutes later he smiled then passed. my husband is taking it pretty hard and so is my daughter;( When it comes to exercising i have been working out by walking a hour a day and drinking 10 glasses of water everyday. my weight is 166.1. I don't know if i have lost the weight from the miscarriage yet and i am still unsure of how long it will take:(.. as far as reading i have not read anything or even attempted to, I know its not a good thing but my mind has not been on trying to read it has been on family. i am kind of grateful this month is almost over and i can start getting back on tract. i hope everyone else had a great week.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
not my month..*urgent*
so i don't think this has been a good month for me at all..i find out i had a miscarriage and now my uncle in-law has been rushed to the hospital with a very slim chance of survival they gave him until Sunday, so everyone is prepping themselves for the children's grandmother is very upset that she might have to bury another one of her kids and she has shut down completely so i am informing everyone now that if i do not check in this week this is the reason. Everyone on my husbands side of the family is very distraught due to this being the 7th death of a close family member this year. He is taking it harder than ever now because he was really close to his uncle. i am trying to be the support system for everyone so like i said if i do not update this weekend i am sorry, and i will make sure i update before next check in..
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
mentally motivated
this week has started off on the right track, i was able to workout without any interruptions, i feel more confident about myself and more secure with my body more than ever now. i know i haven't reached my goal of intended weight loss yet but i know when i do nobody can ever try to put me down again; as for the miscarriage, i know my body is getting back on track and and i am going to help it more than ever now..i kind of cheated and took a step on the scale this morning just to see where i stood, i don't normally do this until Saturday morning but i know i am headed in the right direction, i have lost a few ounces since my last post.I am not going to lie i am kind of nervous about Thanksgiving because i come from a family of big eaters and i will have all eyes on me when i am not eating like i usually do. i might just stay home to avoid confrontation..i hope everyone else has a great week. i am going to the store tonight to look for a new book to lose since my children decided my previous one did not have enough
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Week 9 of cdcc
This week has been a hard week for me because no matter how much I exercised, I kept thinking about my miscarriage and the baby I would be carrying Which in turn made me eat. I unfortunately gained weight; I am now I gained a little over 2 pounds.:(.. This is very nerve wreaking in more than one way for me but I'm not giving up. I will lose the pity weight and more. I have drank 6 glasses of water every day and I have been walking more so I don't sit in the house and sulk but food became my crutch.. I need to find a way not to dwell on the loss and look at the 2 little blessings I have. Sorry if this is a upset to some but I am and I will be 160 by the end of this month!!!.. I am looking for a new book and I know it's late in the challenge but it was a requirement and I must fulfill it all ideas are open..
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Week 8 of cdcc
Well this has been a troublesome week, I found out I had a miscarriage:(..the only good thing is I was only 2 weeks.. So on that note, I am 175.6, I lost 2 ounces. I have been walking but have been unable to ride my bike* doctors orders *...I have to buy a new book because my lovely kids decided it should look better with A LOT OF COLOR!... I have been drinking 6-7 glasses of water everyday and my calorie intake is still 1300. I am hoping everyone had a great week. My mind really isnt on the blog this week. Sorry.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
my fitness pal question/concern
so because i have lost a total of 15 pounds my fitness pal raised my calorie intake to 1440 instead of 1300..why is that..I'm am kind of confused on why it was raised and i did not do did it once i updated my weight loss. can someone please explain to me why would your calorie intake increase instead of decrease, i know this is something i should know especially with working in the medical field but everyone keeps telling me "i don't know what to tell you, maybe its a sign to stop losing weight"..i am not listening to that answer because i am not losing weight for them i am doing it for myself and a better me in the future. since i lost these pounds my asthma doesn't bother me as much and i have been able to jog for 15 minutes without needing my inhaler.. before my weight loss i wasn't able to jog less than 5 minutes before i was puffing away. i am also losing weight because i am only 5'1" so with me being 180 at the time it was really hard to have a great self esteem..I'm 15 pounds lighter and i now feel my esteem rising and i actually can hold my head up without wondering what people are going to say about me when i leave.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Week 7 of cdcc
So I think I did an amazing job this week.. I now weigh 165.8,so that means from the 170.1 last week I'm down little over 4 pounds..I got a new pedal for my bike so I have been riding every night for a half, plus walking at a very swift pace for a half each day. As for water,I'm guilty of not drinking 8 glasses a day but I have been doing 5 glasses. I hope to keep it up and I hope everyone else had a great week:)..sorry this is soo short, I got super excited after seeing the scale.. Lol. My calories have not gone over 1300 but not over 1250; so I hope this is also a good thing.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
shaky times but staying strong
i was unable to workout last night due to my children getting sick and me feeling really exhausted for some reason.My daughter has the sniffles due to a stuffed up nose and my son is once again having problems with his asthma. i might have to take him to the doctor tomorrow which will put a damper in my whole day of exercising with the kids.if my son has to be admitted again i don't know what i will doesn't take much for me to stress and when i stress i gain:(.Last night i was up from 4 am till it was time to go to work at 8 with my son wheezing and my daughter having a stuffy nose.i really love autumn but i despise the weather changes and the effects it has on chronic mind is racing a mile a minute because Thursday is Disney on ice and if i have to put my son back in the hospital i will lose it.i wont be able to be there for my son and completely enjoy my daughter's first princess experience.their father keeps telling me not to worry but he will be working and i will have to call out of work to be there for my son and keep a commitment to my daughter, the choices of motherhood are hard but i accept the challenge and i am sure all will turn out ok,i will let everyone know how everything turns out.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Week 6 of cdcc
This week has been ok,I have been doing 8minutes of crunches now, instead of 5, I have been walking and decided to paint my bedroom another color.. That took 2 hours, lol I'm currently looking for a new stationary bike or rowing machine to work out with so I can be more effective. I am 170.1 so that means I'm down 5 ounces.. Maybe next week I'll break the 160 mark:)I really hope so. I plan on doing a lot more walking this week since I'm taking my daughter to Disney on ice Thursday. I am more determined than ever to break the 160 barrier.. I know the reason I haven't is because of the spice cake krimpet I had:(..I tried to resist it but temptation overcame myself, I know that I'm too close to my goal to have a setback. I can't believe November Is around the corner, the true test is near.. I will overcome the temptation of thanksgiving food.. Lol
Thursday, October 20, 2011
better week but more determined
so this week has been going very well, i have been walking around more instead of driving my car;i decided i wanted to paint my bedroom a new color so i painted for 2 hours, played football with my little brothers,and hide and seek with my kids. i feel like i have rebounded from my previous bad weeks, i have been doing my yoga and i tried sushi for the first time, i can honestly say it is really good, but it only depends on where you get it from.i am so excited to take me little girl to see Disney on ice next week, she saw the commercial for the first time last night and freaked out"oh mommy, i have been a good girl, i will clean up my toys and not beat up my brother if i can go and see that, please mommy" was too cute :) she doesn't even know i bought the tickets last month..i can wait to see her face. some relatives i have not seen in years have said i lost a lot of weight and i look good..hearing those words alone makes me push more to conquer my goal. i am looking to be 168 by weigh-in i hope i succeed. i have found a non healthy snack that i am guilty of saying i love the limited edition spice cake krimpets..i only eat one a day but they are so good. i had my fiance hide the rest from me so i wouldn't ruin my diet completely and since it is that time of the month it helps a lot. i hope everyone else is doing great.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Week 5 of cdcc
This week has been really hard, I had a wedding to go to yesterday and my asthma has been bothering me so I am not proud to say I went over my calorie goal and other than dancing and walking I didn't get much exercise in. I am 173.2 and I have been drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. It seems right now the only motivation I have is this group, and it does kind of bother me. I am trying to lose weight so bad that I'm dressing and gaining. I want to set small goals for myself and I'm trying to but when your outside forces are not allowing it, it does get really hard. We are now into 5 weeks and I will try my best to at least make it to 165 by the end of this challenge..
Thursday, October 13, 2011
inspire,inspiration and sucess
this week has been really great, i have managed to stick to my diet completely and exercise everyday for a hour, my pants have really started to sag and bag, i tried on a size 13 pants and almost fit them that means i have almost lost one whole pant size:)..i am determined more than ever to lose my weight now especially since i found out i do have glaucoma, i will not let that hinder me from reaching my goal even though i feel like giving up since it seems my body is trying to give up on me..I'm only 24 with so many problems, i know it could be worse so that is another reason I'm not letting it get to me, i have am going to pursue my goals and become a better person for myself so my children can have a better role model and their mother around longer. i will conquer that size 8-10 I'm so close i can taste it:)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Week 4 of cdcc
Well this week has been a real challenge, I went to the doctor on Wednesday and gained 6 lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 172.4, so I did lose some weight I guess. I'm still upset with myself. My pedal on my stationary bike broke so now I'm out of luck when it comes to cycling. I have been trying to walk more and do yoga longer, I will do my ZUMBA this week to take the place of riding the bike.I have been eating apples as a snack this week, next week it will be bananas.I don't know how to take the fact I almost gained the whole 8 pounds I lost and I have been eating right and working out daily, I guess it doesn't help I could do much on Monday and Tuesday because of migraines. I want to be at least 150 by the 1st week of December.. Do u think it's possible or am I stretching it?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
bad week already:( but still optimistic
so i suffer from recurring migraines that landed me in the hospital Sunday and the doctor orders were to not have any physical activity for at least 3 days so i haven't rode my stationary bike but I'm looking forward to Wednesday because I'm going to enjoy that 25-30 minutes, i have on the other hand been walking and still doing yoga.i feel like i have gained weight since i have not been able to ride the bike. i am praying that i didn't because the 8 pounds lost wont be in vain :(..i am more determined than ever to lose weight now especially since i have a wedding to go to on the 14 of this month its my first one i have ever been to and i want to look OK in the pictures. My goal this week is to lose 2 pounds so that would put me at 168..and if i lose more of course that is always good..i will be move up to doing 10 minutes of stomach crunches instead of 5 just to challenge myself, if i feel as though i am not ready i will go back to 5 minutes or do like 7 and work my way main challenge is the spare tire and pooch..they will be sent out out pasture...with no welcome back I'm such a goof..
Friday, September 30, 2011
Week4 of cdcc
So this week has been very productive, I have been drinking 10 glasses of water everyday. I have been working out for a total of a hour each day, i weight myself this morning and because I didn't have a proper weighin last week, guess what... I'm 170. So I lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks. I am sooo happy with myself, I guess I will buy those shoes for my reward.. I'll put pictures up when I put them on. My average calorie intake this week has been 1210 , but after working out it was 1436. I guess I am doing something right. Thanks everyone for the support. I really do appreciate it. I also hope everyone else is successful:)
Oh I bought my new Christmas dress as you can see since the other one was out of stock..;)
Oh I bought my new Christmas dress as you can see since the other one was out of stock..;)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
my new workout plan:)
i have started a new workout regime every night after i eat dinner, i ride my stationary bike for 20-25 minutes at 21 mph, i then do 20 minutes of yoga and finish with 5 minutes of stomach crunches; while during the day i walk for 25 minutes with my weights and i try to consume 1200 calories a day but after my workouts yesterday and eating healthy i had 1290 calories left..i had to redo the math and made sure i didn't skip any foods and drinks. the good thing is i didn't but now i know i can consume a little more without beinging and overdoing on my diet. i wanted to lose at least 3 lbs this week and i have been avoiding the scale until i am open to any ideas on what i can do to consume less and still burn a fair amount of calories.
i have to buy more fruit because while i was in the hospital with my son my daughter had a
i have to buy more fruit because while i was in the hospital with my son my daughter had a
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
back on track for weigh-in
so far this week has been pretty good i walked for 25 minutes up a steep hill with the weights in my purse and wearing heels;) i am going to do some cycling on the bike for 20 minutes tonight and I'm going to end the night with some yoga for 20 minutes.. my calorie intake today was 1150..after working out that son is doing a lot better, he his almost 100% so that is a great thing.i plan on weighing myself Friday so i will have a accurate weight for the weigh in this week. i am really trying to lose at least 3 pounds between this week and next week, especially since i was kinda off track last week. i know i can do it with motivation and support from family and friends;)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Week 3 of cdcc
Unfortunately this week hasn't been good, my son was put in the PICU for his asthma, he came home last night but has to be monitored and given nebs every 4 hours, the only type of workout I was able to do was pace his bed and hold him. I was forced to eat so I only ate 1000 calories this week. I know this isn't healthy at all but my son was more important at the time. I don't know my weight as of right now so I'm going to say I'm still 178. I will improve on my calorie intack this week and get back on tract, I promise. Sorry this post is not as positive as my other ones but my mind is else where.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Week 2day 1
So I decided to try some yoga and I didnt know how calming it was, especially when your stressed. I did it for 15minutes and I feel soo relaxed not to mention I burned 160 calories:). I have been on a fruit kick since I turned down the little round evil; lol so my home looks like a farmers market..watermelon, bananas, strawberries, mangoes, cantaloupe,peaches,and blackberries... I walked for 25 minutes today and carried my kids around for a extra workout..I put weights in my purse and when I walk around I have a little tension.I am determined to lose 2 lbs maybe more.I have a doctor appt wednesday so I will let everyone know how much weight I lost so far..thanks soo much everyone for the support, it really helps:)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Week 2 summary of cdcc
So I didn't get to exercise 3 days a week for a hour but I managed to do at least a half an hour for 30 minutes. I almost went over my calorie intake by 200 calories wanting a doughnut; but I chose a fruit cup and some water instead and it left me 25 calories shy..I weighed myself I havent Lost any weight just a few that's kinda disappointing; I'm still 178 but since last week I'm 178.3.. I have started walking more and adding a occasional jog in. Since the weather has been acting like a little nut my asthma won't allow me to do to much; I'm not going to let that hinder me at all. My crutch is my health and in order to overcome it i have to improve it.I am still trying to consume 8-10 glasses of water, 2 days this week I only did 4-5 cups.I guess some water is better than none.I have started doing crunches and push ups to work on my belly; not to mention my ZUMBA:)..I even have the kiddies joining in.I'm kinda upset the dress I was gonna get this weekend is sold I may have to find another.My goal for this upcing week is to lose 2 pounds,more will be better but less isn't a option.*perfect imperfections *
Thursday, September 15, 2011
cdcc day 4
today has been really inventive i taught myself how to workout in the office using the supplies laying around..with that being said i did 15 pull ups with a cane propped up through a door,i used the step stool as a prop for push ups and step aerobics while holding 2 full containers of bleach.since my daughter came to work with me today i played a game of tag running around the office for 15 minutes. So with that being said i think i did my 30 minutes of workouts today hopefully i can do 20 minutes of zumba since i did not get it completed last night. i was thinking maybe we all can do a group workout session..its just a idea so let me know what you think.;)
Monday, September 12, 2011
day 2 of cdcc
so far I'm doing good, i have lost a pound..i plan on keeping this trend up because i will conquer that My daughter's birthday is this weekend and she wants me to be"pretty girl" so i intend to be a pretty healthy girl for her:),i played a hour and a half of exercise games on the wii yesterday with the family so my body is sore, i will probley walk for 2 hours downtown today and exercise tomorrow. i know its too early to say but my clothes are already starting to bag off me a little bit..when i lose a complete size i think ill pamper myself and get something for myself,i don't know what yet but i have to reward my self, any ideas on what i can get?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
christmas weight lost week 1
i figured i would put my initial information for my weight loss now since my weekend will be really hectic for the next two starting weight is 179 pounds and i plan on getting to a size 8-10 dress size which would put me closer to losing 50 pounds,i am currently a 14-16.the books I'm reading are
*there is also this website i use to make sure i dont not exceed my calorie intake,it has been a great help and im sure it can help everyone else as well..its
Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Solutions for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap (and Start Looking Hot!)
The Moments, the Minutes, the Hours: The Poetry of Jill Scott
*there is also this website i use to make sure i dont not exceed my calorie intake,it has been a great help and im sure it can help everyone else as well..its
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
a little discouraged
So when i initially started my weight loss i was 187 now I'm 180, i did get down to 178 but cheated a few days which put me back to 180. I am more determined than ever to lose not only baby weight but to get back down to a healthy state of mind. i do not want to lose no more than 50 pounds, i requested to join a weight loss blog group but since I'm new to blogging i am pretty sure i wont get accepted, i have to stay optimistic about that though.I know i can do this weight loss challenge on my own it will be better with the support of others but maybe I'm meant to do it alone.I would love to lose 50 pounds in 14 weeks but if not i want to lose it all before my birthday next year. I will be a happier me,i will be able to say I'm 25 and 50 pounds lighter:).i have cut out all sweets, i am thinking about becoming a vegetarian again. i was way more healthy then and what i lacked in protein wise i would take vitamins for;i had less problems with my asthma and vision when i was smaller in weight. they say life is about choices and it time for me to make mine and get back on the right track,after i was given a second chance of life i need to make the best of it.And that is what i will do.I WILL LOSE THIS WEIGHT, I WILL DO LOSE IT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY,I WILL BE A BETTER ROLE MODEL NOT ONLY TO OTHERS BUT MY CHILDREN, SHOWING THEM THAT YOU CAN EAT RIGHT AND STILL BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF!!!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Weight loss
Trying to lose weight on my own is harder than it looks, I have people from both sides saying," you don't need to lose weight.your a black girl and they ae suppose to be thick." but the truth is I am really unhPpy with myself, well with how much weight I have gained I used to be 115 before I had my children, and now I'm pushing 180 for someone who isn't use to being a size 15-16 its really bothersome.I try to workout but with 2 small children it's hard to find time. I'm at the point where I need to make myself happy.I am officially going to lose 45lbs and be happy with myself so I will be able to keep up with my children and make myself feel better emotionally.I have started eating no more than 1300 calories a day, doing 20 minutes of zumba,drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day.I want to be down to a size 11-12 by christmas and be a size 8 by my birthday next year. I have to be my own coach and my children are my motivation:)....I CAN DO THIS AND I WILL SUCCEED!
Monday, August 22, 2011
is it time for a change or a wake up call,
will it be vast or very,very small
my life i can see right before my eyes,
my fear is change and losing it all
no matter how big and no matter how small,
nothing good seems to come from it all
whenever change has hit my life
i shut down to wait and see
is better or worst
will i regret it more than the first,
everyone has some fear of change
mine left scars that will never heal
I'm not claiming perfection but happiness is due
in order to succeed
change i must go through
i have to change within to change the out
but its harder than it looks
sometimes i wish life was a story book
perfect this,unconditional that,
change this here and you get that
its really everywhere,
so i guess it will have to start right here
i will change
i will succeed
i will be a better me
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